Online insurance
The choice of insurance services Insurance period - {{ declensionWords(SearchData.TotalDays, true, "day", "days", "days") }}
{{getNameByKey(key, PackageNames)}}
{{ locale(type)}}
{{programm[enabled][0].Covers[keyType].Amount}} {{programm[enabled][0].Covers[keyType].Currency}}
{{ locale("COVER_AMOUNT") }}
{{ locale("DEDUCTIBLE") }}
{{ cover.Name }}
{{cover.Amount}} {{cover.Currency}}
{{ cover.DeductibleAmount }}{{ cover.IsDeductibleInPercentage ? "%" : " " + cover.Currency }}
Are you afraid that your vacation might not take place?
Due to sick leave, hospitalization, infection in a child, or delay in issuing a visa, early return from a trip. And also for many reasons.
The insurance contract for "Travel Cancellation" coverage is concluded only with residents of Ukraine.
Travel cost cannot be less than {{ minTravelPrice }} UAH
Travel cost cannot be greater than {{ maxTravelPrice }} UAH
{{ SelectedPackage.TypeName }}
Travel cancellation
Dear Client! Booking is possible for a period not exceeding 30 days.
If you need to issue a policy for more than 30 days, create a new booking from the end date of the previous one for another 30 days. As a result, you can buy several policies for the period of insurance you need. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.
No flights found for your request.
Try refreshing the page or change search parameters.
If you are sure that everything is correct and the problem persists, please inform us about it.
We apologize for temporary inconvenience.